Friday, December 2, 2011

Daddy #7 Grim Reaper

Aiesha is a very fast learner, so right after she learned walking we started talking lessons!

Ariel was having more trouble, but her big sis stood by her (literally) and helped her walk.

Birthday Time!! First Azul went...

Then Briar Rose...
"I am spice-a-licious!!"

After her was Julianna, who was going into her insaneness quite well. Got the triat dislikes children. She's gonna have a blast in this family!

Lastly Leon! Who recived Neat.

Azul and Briar were ready to go out into the world. Azul said goodbye to her sisters and Briar gave me some love. They moved out together.

Julianna hates her room now. She loved it when she was a child but I think now shes "too cool" for it or something.

So when I was out at the store she bought some trees, some books, a few outdoorsy things, and moved out. Outside, I mean.

She says, and I quote, "Our family and I, we're not on the same level. I need to live outside, to listen to the trees. It's just a better way to live!" I'll let her stay out there some nights but i'm worried about her. Maybe I should send her to a special needs school. I don't want to but she might get into serious trouble otherwise.

But she's harmless out here. Reading her books, cooking on the grill. I'll think about it.

I make dinner that night and give her specific intructions. "Julianna, i'm going out, but I promise I won't be gone long. Please make sure you and Leon get dinner, and sleep inside tonight." I instruct. "neah neah neah neah neah." Julianna mocks me. Ugh she smells terrible!

I drag her sleeping bag in the hallway and lock the back, front, and garage doors. "I'm serious. If you help me out then...i'll..teach you to drive." Her facial expression goes from pure rage to normal. Ok, I think she'll behave.

I walk up to the graveyard in all it's spookyness. I should of come to mourn Wilson sooner, but I feel closer to him at night. Other people come here too this late. Actually that's not very comferting because usually they are sitting down talking to them selves.

I reached his grave and sobbed. Yes, I moved his grave from Crystal Falls to Sunset Valley. I couldn't just leave him there! The flowers I planted at his grave are really growing. Gosh i'm crying super loud. All of the people who were here have left, probably because of me.

Out of the corner of my eye I see something. I autmatically freeze. I dare not move, not even blink. I stare straigh ahead, pretending not to see what just came out of the mausoleum.

All of a sudden, the lights went out. They had been on since it'd been dark, but not anymore.

I let my eyes drift over to the mausoleum again. YIKES!! Bad idea. I feel like I can't move, can't run. Is he coming my way, or just passing by? Maybe if I pretend not to notice, he'll leave me alone...

Stare striat ahead. Do not move. Okay.. He's gona keep on going, not gonna stop and kill me. He's gonna go away.... Ugh why didn't I run?

I can sense him derectly behind me. I can't help it, I start to hyperventilate and freak out. I need to be calm, be calm, he's not going to do anything.

I calm myself down a little. He's been behind me for a few minutes. What's his problem? If he is gonna do something can't he just get it overwith? Only one thing to do. I turn myself around and stare at him. He has a really creepy look going on, and I wonder what he looks like without the big hood. "Hello, can I help you with something?" I ask trying not to seem scared.

"No i'm just out here having a walk. Been colecting souls all day and you know, it's very tireing!"

Well, thats not the reaction I was expecting but it's a lot better than what I imagined. So I keep chatting to him. His hands are really wierd. They're like all boney and stuff. I wonder if he's a skeleton. That's what I remeber seeing from my tv show when I was a kid , The Grim adventures of Bill and Mandy. That Grim reaper was awesome!

I'm seeing some sort of wierd misty stuff as i'm talking to The Grim Reaper. I think i'm safe now. He probably just wanted someone to talk to. Must be lonely to only talk to dead people. I bet all they ever do is beg to be brought back to life.

He tells me that he kinda lives here. When he's not out reaping and stuff he chills here and talks to some of the ghosts. I tell him it just creeps me out.

Now he's....complementing me?? Whaaatt?

Oh my!! A ghost! Geez I get to see The Reaper and a ghost in the same night. How lucky am I? *sarcasm* I can't control myself and kinda, a little, for a second, not on purpose, hug him. I blush but he actually puts his arms around me, kinda.

After that embarassing moment, he surprizes me further by holding my hands. They feel very cold and hard and boney...

For some odd reason..I feel...atracted to him! I feel so awkward and hope he's not just playing some sort of joke.

No doubt was left when he pressed his hood to my face and kissed me... even though it was through fabric I still felt it.

I got to eplore his entire face in a few minutes..

He then suggested we "take a look at" his house.

Turns out not all of him is cold hard bone.

After he said he had to get going because the sun was coming up. But if I ever "needed" him that I knew where to find him.

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