Friday, December 2, 2011

Sunny gets married and new neighbors!

The twins love the new twins. Azul likes Ariel and Briar likes Aiesha. Forgot to put Azul in her PJs for the photo.

Julianna has taken up a habit of burying important things. So far she's buryed her homeowrk, leon's favorite toy, and my new book.

Leon welcomed his new henchwomen and help a meeting around the block table. Not sure how that worked out because Aiesha and Ariel had yet to learn to talk. So Leon talked, well did that little kid talk where they spit on themselves and say words wrong, and the girls played with the toys.

Sunny went over to Holly's house the next morning. He looks very excited.

Holly isnt in her usual outfit which is strange but Sunny didn't care.

Didn't care at all.

Before things got too out of control (in a good way) Holly needed food and made waffles in her shiny kitchen.

She had just put them into the oven when she gagged a little and ran out of the room.

"Woulden't want her waffles to burn." Sunny said to himself. Instead of checking on Holly he made sure the waffles didn't set the stove on fire.

Poor Holly up chucked and the waffles burned anyway.

And I guess Sunny likes the taste of barf.

He wants to be in a serious relasionship with her. When she agreed, he gave her a back massage.

Later when they had "relaxed" in her room she informed him she was with child, and he was the father.

So he got down on one knee and proposed!!

They changed into formal ware and got married right there.

Please welcome 2 new baby mamas into the Baby Mama Mansion! The beautiful brown haired girl on the left is trishg21's Maxine Faradi. Please check out her challenge here: The awesomely awesome dark haired girl to the right of Maxine is gsdluver4's Audrey Greene!. Check out her challenge here: Sunny and Holly were to busy to pose for the pic.

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